
Movement patterns and gallery use by the sexually dimorphic Wellington tree weta

The Wellington tree weta, Hemideina crassidens, is a harem-polygynous nocturnal insect whose males defend and mate groups of females residing in cavities in trees. In this study I examined sexual differences in gallery use (number of galleries occupied per unit time), distance travelled per night and activity patterns after sunset. In addition, I investigated how gallery size affected each of these variables.

Sex- and season-dependent behaviour in a flightless insect, the Auckland tree weta (Hemideina thoracica)

In a polygynous mating system, males frequently compete by locating and defending sites with resources essential to female survival and reproduction. We investigated seasonal changes in site occupancy in a sexually dimorphic, harem-forming insect, the Auckland tree weta (Hemideina thoracica). First we established artificial cavities as diurnal refuge cavities and potential harem guarding sites.