Editor-in-Chief: Thomas Etherington
Senior Editors: Jo Carpenter, Jo Monks, Sarah Wyse
Managing Editor: James Brock
Technical Editors: Kat Collier and Kate Lee
The New Zealand Journal of Ecology is a peer-reviewed journal publishing ecological research relevant to Aotearoa New Zealand and the South Pacific. It has been published since 1952 (as a 1952 issue of New Zealand Science Review and as the Proceedings of the New Zealand Ecological Society until 1977).
The Journal is published by the New Zealand Ecological Society and is covered by Current Contents/Agriculture, Biology and Environmental Science, GEOBASE, Geo Abstracts, Google Scholar and Web of Knowledge.
Journal Metrics for 2023
Impact factor 1.9, 5-year Impact factor 1.9, Scopus CiteScore 3.0
Latest Special Issue:
All New Zealand Journal of Ecology special issues can be viewed in the Special Issues archive