New Zealand Journal of Ecology (1986) 9: 153- 156
A Study of a Libocedrus-Bidwillii Population at Pegleg Flat, Arthurs Pass, New Zealand
Research Article
- Department of Plant and Microbial Sciences, University of Canterbury, Christchurch, Private Bag, Christchurch, New Zealand
- Present address: Dyckerhoffstrasse 3, 4540 Lengerich, Federal Republic of Germany
A timberline stand of Libocedrus bidwillii subalpine low forest at Pegleg Flat, Arthur's Pass, was partly destroyed by fire in the late 19th century. Patches of surviving low forest contain very few Libocedrus seedlings and lack young trees of 5-15 cm d.b.h. Only 14 large seedlings and saplings were located in the post- fire sere in the formerly burnt areas. The small numbers of seedlings on both undisturbed and disturbed sites have not replaced the trees which were burnt or died of natural causes and Libocedrus is now absent from certain, climatically unfavourable locations.